

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

To Reveal or Not to Reveal...

I had planned to update this blog at least twice a week.  Already, I’m behind.  I’m finding that writing personal things, to be shared publicly, is not so easy.  There are things I’m just not ready to throw onto the table.  There are also things that I’d be willing to display, but, they involve other people, and I have no desire to be a gossip columnist.  Those close to me have a right to decide what they want to share and what they’d rather keep private.  So, how do I balance it out?  I’m not sure. If you’ve got thoughts on the subject, I’d love to hear from you.  Until then, I may have to turn to writing prompts and fiction.

Time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. If I'd known you had written again, I'd have been here sooner. I'll just share what I do.

    First of all, I try to keep my posts positive. I try to only include others if 1. I have their permission (I've asked my children at times if I can share something- I remember asking a friend once). 2. If I know the person well enough that I'm SURE they won't mind. 3. It's going to make them feel good. I don't usually post anything too personal- although that may be subjective- I try to keep that in mind as well.

    If the post is about me, I'm usually willing to show what a dork I can be. If I can make someone's day or cheer them up through my own stupidity or goofiness, I'm usually up for it. I'm learning to laugh at myself and take life with a grain of salt, something I'm still learning/working on.
